100% Kona Coffee is grown in the Kona Coffee Belt, a tiny strip of land 1 mile wide and 30 miles long, located halfway up the Hualalai and Mauna Loa volcanoes. Coffee grown anywhere else in Hawaii is Hawaiian Coffee, but not Kona Coffee.
The cycle of bright sunny mornings, cloud-covered rainy afternoons, mild nights and rich volcanic soil create an ideal growing condition for the Kona coffees trees to mature slowly and flourish.
Kona Coffee is processed with the utmost attention from handpicking to milling. The end result is an extraordinary coffee, delicate yet with rich flavor and aroma. There is no comparison between hand picked Kona Coffee coffee harvested by machine.
When you drink pure Kona coffee, you are drinking an exclusive coffee that comprises only 1% of the coffee grown in the world. Treat yourself to the taste of aloha!

I have been ordering this online for 8 years now. Fell in love with pure Kona coffee about 20 years ago and use to bring home a suitcase full every time I visited. Then I found out I could get it online!!!

This is the best coffee I have ever had! I was in Hawaii visiting the Hawaii Coffee Company when I tried this coffee and have not looked back.I will not drink any other coffee from now on.